Prevent Nose To Mouth Lines
The lines from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth tend to deepen as we age. This partly due to the small muscles that lift the top lip and nostrils losing tone so that the flesh of the cheeks folds over the lip muscle.
Some faces are more prone than others to deep mouth lines, but this quick exercise will tone the lip and nose levator muscles to help prevent those unsightly lines.
On one side of your face at a time, lift one corner of your mouth and nose as if snarling. Keep the eye muscles relaxed.
Place your fingers on your mid-cheek area to feel the muscles work.
It may help you to do the correct type of "snarl" if you begin by wrinkling the nose, as if detecting a bad smell, then lift one side of your mouth. Hold for three seconds then relax. Repeat five times for each side.
Now do both sides at the same time remembering to keep the eye muscles relaxed. Begin by wrinkling the nose, then lift the corners of the mouth.
Now do both sides at the same time remembering to keep the eye muscles relaxed. Begin by wrinkling the nose, then lift the corners of the mouth.
Hold for three seconds, then relax. Repeat five times.
Do these exercises once a day and you will be surprised how those lines start to smooth out.