Firming The Forehead
The occipitofrontalis or forehead muscle is a thin sheet of muscle lying accross the forehead. This muscle allows us to raise our eyebrows but also supports the muscles around the eyes. The forehead muscle helps to create an elegant arch of the eyebrows preventing drooping of the skin over the eyes.
After the age of 25, forehead lines start to etch more deeply into the skin. This is caused partly by the movement of the forehead muscle creasing the skin and partly by the skin becoming less elastic. A dire surgical approach is to get a cosmetic surgeon to inject a drug to "freeze" the forehead muscle, but this ages the muscle even further, leading to drooping skin over the eyes, at which point the surgeon would probably suggest cutting away some flesh to correct it ....and so on.
Try this technique to tone the forehead muscle without wrinkling the skin.
Place fingers of both hands flat against the forehead, index finger in the hairline, little finger against the brows.
Press firmly against the bone, gently pulling the skin upwards and out.
Now slowly move your brows down and close your eyes without frowning.
Hold for a count of five, relax and repeat five times.
Do this once a day.
A well toned forehead muscle will help to resist lines and aging of the forehead because the need to consciously raise the eyebrows is removed. Thus there is a net reduction in the frequency of skin folding on the forehead, which means fewer wrinkles.